Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pecan Trees In California

Pecan trees are native to North America.

Pecan trees are native to North America. The word pecan derives from an Algonquin word describing a shell so hard a rock was necessary to crack the nut. USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 6 through 9 are ideal for pecan trees due to the warmer climates found there. These planting zones offer healthy environments for pecan tree growth. The American Forests website says that the pecan tree must have at least 200 frost-free days to grow and produce mature nuts. Pecan growers in California are finding new ways to grow and harvest this venerable American nut.

Aphid Control

Long-time enemies of pecan trees, aphids are very tiny insects that suck the sap from plants and trees. The secretions of aphids are referred to as honeydew or honeydew deposits. These deposits cause mold growth on trees and plants. California growers have gone against popular practices of mainly ignoring the aphid infestations. The website for Western Farm Press magazine reports that Steve Sibbett, a retired farm advisor, researched the effects of aphid secretions and found that the honeydew blocked the photosynthesis process of pecan trees, resulting in smaller crop yields. This research information has changed the way California pecan growers are treating aphids. According to Western Farm Press, an insecticide containing the active chemical ingredient, imidacloprid, and sold under many brand names, is being tilled directly into the soil of pecan orchards. This insecticide is drastically culling the aphid population among California pecan trees, the website says.

Harvest Differences

Pecan trees can grow up to 120 feet tall. Consuming at least 2,000 gallons of water per week, and requiring a minimum of 60 feet of open space around the trunk, pecan trees require extensive amounts of land. Harvesting pecans poses challenges. Pecans have speckled brown shells that grow about 2 inches long. Californian pecans are harvested by shaking the tree. The nuts are then shelled and dehydrated on the day of harvesting. Western Farm Press maintains that this rapid harvesting process yields a nut of a lighter hue that is more popular with consumers and results in a shelf life lasting longer than the pecans of other states.

Market Popularity

Traditionally, pecans are expensive nuts. California's pecan industry continues to gain popularity and yield more pecans than in other parts of America. Western Farm Press reports that California pecans are valued higher per pound than most other pecans grown in the states because of their size and quality. The better size and color is a result of active aphid reduction and implemented harvesting changes. Internationally, California-grown pecans are recognized as well. The California Pecan Growers Association reports that in 2007, about 18 million pounds of California pecans were exported to China. Along with Asian and U.S. consumption, Mexico also imports California-grown pecans.

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